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Bald Eagles

Eagle and Osprey Wildlife Note


Join the Game Commission in celebrating the flourishing bald eagle population in the state, by enjoying a live view of two active bald eagle nests - the Farm Country Eagles Livestream and the Hanover Eag​le Livestream.​

Both livestreams are in partnership with Comcast and are powered by HDOnTap.

Contributions to Pennsylvania Wildlife

Donations to the Game Commission and proceeds from all sales bolster the Game Commission's efforts to preserve, conserve and manage Pennsylvania's wildlife resources and habitats. You might enjoy the Birds of Pennsylvania Field Guide among other books, calendars, patches, apparel and more.

​Celebrating 30 Years of Restoration

The bald eagle's history in Pennsylvania is a precarious one. In 1983, there were a mere three nests left in the entire state. With the help of the Canadian government, the Pennsylvania Game Commission, and several other states reintroduced bald eagle chicks from Canada back to the Northeast United States. Today, Pennsylvania boasts more than 300 nests. This 22-minute documentary tells the story of that success. Read more about the Bald Eagle Reintroduction Project.

Pennsylvania Bald Eagle YouTube film 

Bald Eagles and Lead

The recovery of bald eagles has come a long way since three nests in the late 1970s. With the success of the Game Commission's recovery program, Pennsylvania now boasts more than 300 nests. As the eagle population increases, so does the chance of negative interaction between people and eagles. Lead in the environment is dangerous to bald eagles. Hunters can help prevent lead from being ingested by avian scavengers in two ways: by choosing to use non-lead ammunition and by burying carcasses and gut piles. Learn more in the resources below.

Bald Eagles & Lead brochure PDF
Bald Eagles & Lead film (6:08)
Bald Eagles & Lead Toxicity webinar (50:20)

More Information

Bald Eagle Nesting
Pennsylvania Bald Eagle Webinar - recorded March 25, 2016 (37:25)
Bald Eagle Identification Tips
Bald Eagle Fast Facts
Bald Eagle Watching in Pennsylvania
Bald Eagle Nest Viewing Etiquette
Pennsylvania Bald Eagles poster(PDF)
Educator's Guide to Celebrating Pennsylvania Bald Eagles and Elk (PDF) and more resources for educators.

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